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Showing posts from June, 2016


After years of handling ACS cases, one piece of advice stands the test of time. No parent should engage the ACS worker in discussions about the case without an attorney. There are some basic and very important reasons for not doing so. First and foremost, the ACS worker is trained to look for anything that they can blame the parent for. They will dig into your life, speak to teachers and even harass your neighbors. Second, ACS workers do not record the conversations in any way. If you notice any trial, the courtroom has a court reporter that writes down everything that has been said. This is very important because words matter. In fact, ACS workers are in constant fear of being recorded given the ease and wide spread use of cell phones today. Once you tell them you are recording, they will become agitated and scream that they don't want to be recorded. Lastly, if you speak to the ACS worker they can claim you made statements you did not make. This is crucial when handling cases of...


Routinely, ACS lawyers need exert witnesses to testify in court against parents.  These experts need to be nurses or medical doctors. In order to advance their agenda, ACS has a few medical professionals on call for court testimony.  These are not doctors and nurses in the traditional sense. They are part of the ACS apparatus that accuses parents of child abuse. They do very little research in any of the cases and will gladly swear under oath that the child they have examined is being abused by their parents. In  the most outrageous cases, the child psychologist will testify about a child, without ever speaking with them. In our practice we routinely see ACS use the same "experts" over and over again. The ACS lawyers count on the fact that most parents in New York City accused of abuse cannot afford to hire their own experts. In one recent child abuse trial, the ACS experts were easily discredited and the client was found NOT GUILTY of all charges. Child abuse should not ...


This is a common question that many parents have. When contacted by ACS, most parents believe that they have nothing to hide and there is no harm in cooperating. This is understandable, but a deeply flawed decision. ACS workers are not interested in the well-being of the child. Their goal is to have the parents enter into "services" so ACS keeps its massive funding from city and state officials. Thus, if anyone calls ACS and accuses a parent of abusing drugs or alcohol. ACS workers will come to your home and demand that you take a drug test or be evaluated for alcohol abuse. The ACS worker will do absolutely no investigation into the source of the report or its veracity. To ACS, the accusation IS the evidence. In order to prevent this type of abuse, it is imperative for a parent to contact an attorney as soon as ACS contacts them. This will take away all of the power away from ACS. In the vast majority of cases that we are contacted early, the ACS worker simply moves on to...


Under the Family Court Act ACS has the power of Emergency Removal of a child from a parent, the law states: A peace officer, acting pursuant to his or her special duties, police officer, or a law enforcement official, or a designated employee of a city or county department of social services shall take all necessary measures to protect a child's life or health including, when appropriate, taking or keeping a child in protective custody, and any physician shall notify the local department of social services or appropriate police authorities to take custody of any child such physician is treating, without an order under section one thousand twenty-two of this article and without the consent of the parent or other person legally responsible for the child's care, regardless of whether the parent or other person legally responsible for the child's care is absent, if (i)ā€‚such person has reasonable cause to believe that the child is in such circumstance or condition...


A child under the age of 18 who does not attend school, or behaves in a way that is dangerous or out of control, or often disobeys his or her parents, guardians or other authorities, may be found to be a Person In Need of Supervision or " PINS ". All PINS proceedings are heard in Family Court .Once a PINS is filed ACS will interview the child. If the child accuses the parent of doing anything wrong in any way, ACS will bring a case for neglect against the parent. This is obviously problematic since the parent went to the state for help and ACS attacks them. Parents should be aware of this pitfall. If ACS contacts you about your PINS case, do not speak to them. The goal of ACS is to attack the parent. QUEENSACSLAWYER.COM


The ACS worker has two main goals. One is to have the parent admit that they are bad parents and need help and second. they will referr the parent to useless services. We will now examine some common ACS threats against parents. - YOU HAVE TO COOPERATE! The ACS worker will tell a parent that they are not being cooperative and threaten with taking them to court. - WE WILL GO TO COURT- If a parent resists ACS in any way, they will threaten to take them to court. This threat is very effective for the obvious reasons. - IF YOU COMPLY, IT WILL BE EASIER- This threat implies that if you offer any resistance ACS will make your life much harder. This is a truly disgraceful tactic, however, it happens every single day. If you have been contacted by an ACS worker, do not wait to be attacked. Contact an attorney as soon as possible. Do not give up your rights. BROOKLYNACSLAWYER.COM