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Showing posts from July, 2016


ACS in Brooklyn is located at: ACS 1274 Bedford Ave,  Brooklyn, NY 11216 Phone : (718) 623-4500   The cases against parents are filed with Brooklyn Family Court. This is the link for Court.  Brooklyn has gone through a fundamental transformation in the last 15 years. Real estate prices are soaring and many neighborhoods are being gentrified. However, central Brooklyn is still a low income are with many households headed by a single mom. These are the people most vulnerable to an attack by an ACS worker. ACS workers must justify their positions and salaries and that means accusing parents of neglect in any way they can. Luckily, we are fortunate to have many courageous judges in Brooklyn Family Court that will challenge ACS workers and hold them accountable. Many judges are very aware of the abuses that ACS is involved with and try very hard to listen to the parents' side of the story. If you have been targeted by an ACS worker, do NOT speak to them. Contact a ...


ACS in the Bronx is located at: 2501 Grand Concourse 4th Floor Bronx, NY 10468  The cases brought by ACS are handled in Bronx Family Court.That can be found here. According to the Census Bureau, Bronx County is one of the poorest counties in America. ACS is very active here. ACS workers employ a tactic where they use a parent's poverty against them. Routinely you will see single mothers and fathers being abused in Bronx Family Court by ACS workers and lawyers. One saving grace is that Bronx Family court has some courageous judges that will hold ACS accountable. By most measures the Bronx ACS office is the most disorganized and dysfunctional in New York City. The ACS workers are the most rude and most unprofessional. This stems from the fact that they believe that poor people will not stand up for their rights. If you have been contacted by a Bronx ACS workers, call an attorney as soon as possible. Be aware of your rights.


 in this series we will review each ACS office in every borough we begin with Staten Island. The Staten Island ACS office is located at: New York City Children Services  ā€ƒ   Staten Island Address : 350 St Marks Pl # 409, Staten Island, NY 10301 Phone : (718) 720-2765   Cases brought by this office are brought to Staten Island Family Court which is located at: Staten Island Family Court  ā€ƒ City Courthouse Ā· Staten Island Address : 100 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10301 Phone : (718) 675-8800 Hours : Open today Ā· 9AMā€“5PM   The State n Island ACS office is highly dysfunctional and has no leadership. They constantly bully parents into ACS cases and will manufacture cases against innocent parents if the parent does not comply with their demands. There are only a few family Court judges in Staten Island and they are mostly very pro-ACS. Thus a par...


The Family Court Act and the New York Civil Procedure Law spell out exactly how a parent should be notified to appear in court. These are legally mandated rules that must be followed by anyone in the court system. Well, here is how ACS attempts to serve parents of a legal notice. Our clients found this under their door. The name of the client is wrong, it does not give any information about the case and is absolutely not acceptable as a form of legal service. This is yet another example of the dysfunction at ACS. This agency has the power to remove children and cannot even properly serve a parent. It is a disgrace.


The Family Court Act is the New York Law that governs Family Courts in New York state. A simple reading of this law, will show you how much power family court judges have in the state. They, and only they, decide what happens to your children. With that understanding, ACS workers and lawyers have a keen understanding of each judge and will craft their case accordingly. In criminal and civil courts, the juries have the ultimate say. There is no reason why parents do not deserve juries in Family Court to judge them if they have neglected their child We recently had one ACS lawyer tell us that Family Court is not " punitive'. This is simply an outrageous remark. What could be more punitive than losing your child?  Family Court proceedings are hidden from the light of the public because no juries are allowed. Parents are abused by an A CS bureaucracy that is concerned only with its self-preservation. It is time for juries in Family Court ACS cases.