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Showing posts from February, 2017


Our office receives many calls by parents asking how they can sue ACS. This is a very complicated question. The first thing a parent  must do is to document all of the interactions that they have with an ACS worker. Second, parents must be organized and collect evidence of their innocence. Because ACS is a city agency, what is called a Notice of Claim must be filed with NYC within 90 days of the incident. This is a very complicated process. Additionally, ACS has certain legal protections because they are part of the state. In order to overcome these protections, one must retain a seasoned attorney in order to fight the case in court. The most damaging thing that a parent can do, is speak to the ACS worker. They are trained to attack the parents. Every explanation or evidence that a parent tries to provide will be used against them. It is crucially important to contact an attorney as soon as you are contacted by an ACS worker. This will be the best way to protect your rights. BR...


This is not a political blog. This office takes no position as to the political choices of NYC. However, when we see a public official acting against the interest of children, we must speak. Mayor Deblasio has simply failed to protect the children of this city. How many more children have to die until we are given an agency that is able to protect them. ACS needs to rebuilt from top to bottom. The ACS workers that are currently there cannot do the job. ACS has been trained for decades to attack parents, not to protect children. This can only happen if the entire agency is gutted and rebuilt. This must happen now.

Dr. Jamie Hoffman-Rosenfeld, who routinely testifies for ACS, is sued in federal court.

A nightmarish string of medical errors left a Long Island baby dead, and her grieving parents were falsely accused of abuse, according to a lawsuit. Sara Keenan, 35, had breastfed baby Lana and put her down for a nap on Jan. 3, 2014. About an hour later, the dad, Padraig Keenan, 37, found the 3-month-old in her crib, choking on her own vomit, they claim. Miraculously, a houseguest who works as an EMT quickly revived the baby, who began to breathe again. The parents then called 911, unknowingly igniting a chain reaction of medical missteps that doomed their tiny daughter, according to their suit. Emergency medical technicians from Exchange Ambulances of the Islips failed to intubate the infant, give oxygen, or even protect her from frigid temperatures as they carried her to an ambulance parked four doors away, according to court papers filed last week. Instead of taking the child to pediatric intensive care units at nearby Good Samaritan or Stony Brook hospitals, th...


David Hansell to head NYCā€™s embattled child welfare agency Mayor de Blasio is set to name David Hansell to run his embattled child welfare agency. BY Greg B. Smith NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Monday, February 20, 2017, 1:51 PM Mayor de Blasio is set to name a lawyer with management expertise to run his embattled child welfare agency, officials said Monday. David Hansell, a Yale Law School graduate who oversaw child welfare programs at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, will start at the cityā€™s Administration for Childrenā€™s Services in the coming weeks, officials said. ACS has been without an appointed commissioner since Feb. 3, when Gladys CarriĆ³n left amidst growing concerns about the agencyā€™s bungling of several cases involving child deaths. On Monday the Daily News revealed that caseloads for child protection specialists had grown beyond levels deemed acce...


ACS workers have many tricks and methods in which to attack parents with. One of the most used is to avoid identifying themselves when they make a home visit. we have all see TV shows where the FBI or police go to a home and as soon as the door opens, the homeowner is shown ID and given a business card. These are people employed by the state to do a job and thus, must prove to the public who they are. The ACS worker takes another path. She will often come to the door, give her last name only and not show any form of ID. When she leaves, she will not leave a business card. I have brought this issue up with ACS supervisors and have been advised that ACS issues ID to all workers and they must show them to parents. Yet, in case after case, ACS workers try to conceal who they are. Why? If an ACS worker cannot be tracked, then they cannot be held accountable. It is the equivalent of cops covering up their badge numbers. How will you ever hold anyone accountable if they cannot be identifi...


The NYC Department of Investigations has issued a report detailing how acs has failed. The report details just how incompetent ACS is as an organization. The simple fact that they do not have the proper staff to work on weekend. It is simply shocking that ACS has to be told that they must have staff working on weekends. ā€œThe investigation found that despite ACS having the mandate, resources and information to urgently find Jaden, ACS did not find Jaden before he was allegedly beaten into a coma on Monday, November 28, 2016,ā€ the report said. ā€œSpecifically, DOI determined that while ACS publicly stated that it only obtained the correct address for Jaden on Monday, November 28th, ACS workers in fact had access to databases that would have provided the correct address for Jaden as early as Saturday, November 26th, when they first received the allegations of abuse and neglect.ā€ This is the second report in 10 years. The first was in 2007. ACS keeps failing and our children k...


ACS workers are trained to lie to parents in an effort to keep them scared and cooperative. The more prepared a parent is in dealing with an ACS worker, the better the outcome. To being wit, never discuss your family with an ACS worker. The worker will come in and demand information about your family. Do not give it to them. Second, all interactions between you and the worker must be recorded. The vast majority of people have a camera phone and this is a perfect way to record the worker. Once the recording is done, you can also send the video to your attorney. Lastly, if possible, all parents should contact an attorney as soon as they know that ACS is involved The sooner the attorney is involved, the better the outcome. Do not give the ACS worker the ability to make up stories about what you have said. RECORD, RECORD, RECORD!!! BROOKLYNACSLAWYER.COM


The ACS worker uses the home visit as the first tool of intimidation. They will appear at your front door at any hour. Their goal is to catch the parent off guard. This allows them to move on to the next phase of the process. Once the ACS worker is allowed in, they will usually not show any identification nor will they give you a business card. The ACS worker's goal is to remain as anonymous as possible, while making demands of the parents. The first demand they will make is to claim that you MUST speak to them about your family. These conversations will not be recorded in any way, so as to allow the ACS worker to claim a parent has made certain admissions. It is at this point that parents should be the most on guard. The most important thing to do is to RECORD, RECORD, RECORD. Cell phone cameras are perfect for this. Advise the ACS worker that they will be recorded and that the law allows you to do this. As soon as possible, contact an attorney for help and make no statements t...