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Showing posts from November, 2017


The case of ACS v. A.W was particularly sad. The child had been in 6 different foster homes in 8 months of life. and ACS wanted to continue to put her in another home. The Law Offices of Michael Discioarro, LLC filed for a 1028 hearing on behalf of the father of the child. After a three day hearing, the Court granted the father's motion and the baby was returned to the father. " It is simply outrageous how stubbornly acs tries to hold on to kids in foster care. There is clearly a financial motive behind it. A child in foster care is worth tens of thousands of dollars to ACS" Mr. Discioarro said. If your child has been removed, you should discuss the option of filing for a 1028 hearing to demand the return of the child to the parent. BROOKLYNACSATTORNEY.COM QUEENSACSLAWYER.COM BROOKLYNACSLAWYER.COM


This is one of the favorite tactics of an ACS worker. They will claim that they received a call that the parent uses drugs around the children. It does not matter to the ACS worker who made the call. The ACS worker will then demand that the parent take a drug test. The ACS game is that if the parent comes back negative, they will demand other things from the parent and if the parent comes back positive they will attack them for the results. It is imperative that the parent obtain an attorney as soon as ACS demands a drug test. Saying no may open the door for ACS to remove the child. An attorney will quickly fight back and hold ACS to its legal obligations. It is very important not to speak to the ACS worker at all. They will often manufacture a lie and claim you have made managing statements. NYCACSLAWYER.COM


We receive dozens of calls each week with frustrated parents who seek to SUE ACS. ACS is a state entity and thus has certain legal protections when it comes to lawsuits. They are called immunities. These immunities are very difficult to overcome. Thus, attorneys that regularly sue the city in police abuse cases or other kinds of torts, don't generally take an acs case. Not many attorneys are familiar with how ACS handles cases and it is very difficult for a parent to have an attorney take these cases on contingency basis. That leaves a parent who wants to sue ACS with the very expensive decision to hire and pay for. lawyer out of pocket to do that. These legal bills can easily reach into the tens of thousands of dollars. It is against this legal backdrop that ACS abuses the families of NYC with impunity. The best thing todo if contacted by an ACS worker is not to speak to them and contact an ACS attorney right away. Our 24 hour hotline is 917-519-8417. BROOKLYNACSATTORNEY.COM ...


Why did ACS indicate me at OCFS? This is a common question. The first reason is that the ACS did not have enough evidence to actually file a case against you in Family Court. This is a way of the ACS worker making pretend that they are actually doing something. Then the parents dmustattend an OCFS hearing. The parents must at risk are those who have jobs in the medical, education or child care. Once you have been indicated, it will negatively impact you ability to work in these fields. The hearings are conducted at the OCFS in Harlem and can last a few hours. A judge will then issue a written decision. ACSATTORNEYS.COM QUEENSACSLAWYER.COM BROOKLYNACSATTORNEY.COM NYCACSLAWYER.COM


Boy, 3, Allergic to Dairy, Dies After Eating Grilled Cheese at Pre-K By  ELIZABETH A. HARRIS NOV. 9, 2017 Continue reading the main story Share This Page Share Tweet Email More Save Photo Elijah Silvera   Credit Silvera Family  A 3-year-old boy died last week after having a severe allergic reaction at his Manhattan preschool, his family said. The boy, Elijah Silvera, was allergic to dairy and had been given a grilled cheese sandwich. Elijah was a student at the Seventh Avenue Center for Family Services in Harlem, a program overseen by the cityā€™s Administration for Childrenā€™s Services and the Health Department. The Health Department said it has closed the school on Wednesday for inadequate supervision of a child and for failing to follow its own written safety plan. The site also houses a Universal pre-K program, part of Mayor de Blasioā€™s effort to provide free prekindergarten to all New York City 4 year olds, but Elijah was not a UPK student....


We are often asked, how does ACS physically take the parents out of the parents home. The first and most blunt way is that the ACS worker will show up with police officers and physically remove the children and take them away. This of course is devastating tot the parents and causes children to be traumatized. ACS does nothing to try to help the children cope with this situation and callously transport the children to a processing center where they languish for days until a home can be found. The most common way that ACS removes kids is by tricking the parents to come to a meeting at the ACS office. The ACS worker and her supervisors will concoct some story about how they need to see the children. Once the children arrive they are separated from their parents and taken into foster care. Another way, is the ACS workers and the police will go and pick up the children at school,WITHOUT WARNING the parents. This may be the most devastating of all because the parents are called at work ...


This is the worst time for parents. ACS workers will show up at your door without notice and demand to be let in. The most important thing you can do when they arrive is to record the entire episode. The ACS worker will object and some tell parents that it is illegal to record them. This is imply not true. You need a record of what occured when ACS workers start to tell their lies. Record, record, record! Protect your rights. ACSATTORNEYS.COM QUEENSACSLAWYER.COM BROOKLYNACSLAWYER.COM BRONXACSLAWYER.COM