The path to becoming a judge is often long and difficult. In New York, it is often a political process which requires the support of political parties in order to be elected. Family court judges are no exception. Once in the bench, most judges develop their own style and positions on issues. One fear that all judges have is the fear of bad publicity. One wrong decision can wreak havoc on a judges'S carreer and serially damage chances of being reelected. Thus, most judges will decide many cases based on political calculations. This is what occurs in the family courts of New York City. Once ACS files a petition, they are telling the judge that this kana bad parent and must be punished. The first time a parent appears in front of a judge, the judge will usually do exactly as ACS asks. Why should a judge take a risk on a parent they do not know. It's easier just to go along. Not until the parent proves to the court that they are no threat, will a judge ever consider changing her position on the case. The parent must prove themselves innocent. This system allows ACS to run wild in court and attack any parent they please. It is also the main reason we need jury trials in abuse cases in family court. The abuse of NYC parents must end.
The bulk of the street level work that ACS does is the home visit. ACS workers take this opportunity to attack the parents in any ay that they can. Initially the ACS worker will demand that the parents not record them. They will actually give you orders in your own home. Do not allow them to do this. If you have been contacted by ACS, contact our hotline at 917-519-8417 Do not speak to an acs worker without an attorney!!
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