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Showing posts from December, 2016


A wonderful group that advocates on behalf of pregnant women released a document that advises mothers o how to protect their children from ACS. It is wonderfully written and easy to understand. You can read the it here. If your finances allow, we strongly suggest that every parent obtain their own private attorney as soon as they are contacted by ACS.   Most importantly, is to never speak to ACS workers without an attorney. ACS workers are trained to attack parents in any way they can. Stand up for your rights. ACSATTORNEY.COM


The ACS Commissioner Gladys Carrion resigned in disgrace. Mayor Deblasio still has not appointed a new Commissioner. Why not? The reason is because as soon as he does, the ACS dysfunction is back in the news. The Mayor wants to hide from ACS as much as possible. This Mayor is too much of a coward to truly address the problems of ACS. The children will keep dying and innocent families will continue to be torn apart. This is travesty of justice.


Zymere Perkins (left) and Jaden Jordan (right) both died even though their child abuse cases were investigated by ACS. Robert Miller; Facebook More On: acs ACS employs more bosses than abuse caseworkers De Blasio says he had to take credit for appointing ACS monitor Feminists' mom-shaming of Kellyanne Conway is out of control Buckle up ā€” Trump's era of disruption has only just begun Ten kids died despite each being the subject of at least four abuse or maltreatment complaints to the cityā€™s troubled child welfare agency in the weeks leading up to the slaying of little Zymere Perkins , a probe by Comptroller Scott Stringerā€™s office has found. The tragedies were among 38 deaths involving vulnerable children flagged for high-priority investigations by the Administration for Childrenā€™s Services, Stringer found in the report, a copy of which was obtained by The Post. In a letter to outgoing ACS Commiss...


The NYPOST reported that ACS is so bloated with supervisors that its completely dysfunctional. Of the 1,932 upper-echelon workers employed by ACS, only 496 were ā€œchild protective specialist supervisorsā€ dealing directly with cases of abuse and neglect, while the rest filled out the agencyā€™s bureaucracy. These bosses never leave the office and rarely attend court. The lack of leadership  at the agency is amazing given how many "bosses" are available to supervise cases and make sure thinsg go right. The story of ACS dysfunction keeps growing larger. It is time for the entire leadership to be replaced so our children do not continue to suffer. FIGHTACS.COM


ACS workers like to bully parents into attending what they call a Family Safety Conference. Attorneys who represent these parents are not allowed as per ACS policy. So, in a society where the right to counsel is omnipresent, ACS is so fearful of being exposed that they try to hide what they do from as many people as possible. As an attorney I have met with the FBI, NYPD, DEA, DOI and dozens of other state, federal and city agencies on behalf of clients. However, ACS workers have devised a system where they want to abuse parents in private without the benefit of an attorney to guide them. The Family Safety Conference is simply an ambush conducted by the A CS worker and their supervisors where they accuse the parents of wrongdoing and then demand that parents follow the ACS orders. This is all without any type of Court supervision. Lastly, many judges are surprised to learn that attorneys are not allowed to attend these conferences. It is  a shameful tactic and the next ACS Commi...


ACS Commissioner Gladys Carrion is stepping down   Finally, Gladys Carrion is stepping down as ACS Commissioner. Her lack of leadership leaves two dead children in its wake. This is not enough. All of the ACS bosses need to be replaced and an entire  retraining of all ACS workers needs to be done if we are to save the children in need. 


ACS accuses parents in two different legal ways. One is in Family Court, where they can actually take away the child. The other is at OCFS. This is a state agency that does hearings on whether a parent should be indicated for child abuse and be placed on the state registry for maltreatment. The usual ACS tactic is if they cannot manufacture enough evidence against the parents in Family Court, they will file the case at OCFS. The hearings at OCFS are much more informal where hearsay is allowed. This is a very confusing process for parents. It is designed to give ACS workers another avenue to falsely accuse parents. If ACS has contacted you, do NOT speak to the ACS worker without an attorney.


As we have discussed, anyone with a phone can call ACS on anyone else. ACS does not investigate who calls. they simply go and attack the parent. One of the most common calls to ACS is that a parent is using "drugs". The ACS worker will then go to the home and demand that the parent take a drug test. This is a trap. The way ACS uses drug tests is as follows. If they are positive, even for marijuana, they will demand that the parent enter into a drug program. If they are negative, they will hide the results and harass the parent until the parent enters a drug program. For ACS , the accusation is the proof of the case. The ACS workers are very poorly trained, badly educated, and extremely arrogant. It is very difficult for parents to deal with them because they are so unprofessional and the parents are not prepared for this. Many ACS workers we have spoke to will not even give us their business cards or full names. In fact, letters that parents receive from ACS only have the wor...


One of the first things that an ACS workers will tell parents upon meeting them is that the investigation will last 60 days. This is simply untrue. The reason for this statement is that it leads the parents to believe that there is a process that will be followed and they can look forward to the case being closed in 60 days. It is simply untrue. The ACS investigation will continue until the ACS worker can create a case against the parents. The goal is to force parents into services so ACS can maintain their $2.9 billion budget. The ideal parents for an ACS worker to accused are parents that have done nothing wrong. These parents are so frightened they will often agree to services, which are worthless and are run by third parties. Then, at the end of the year the ACS worker can claim that she has done her job and helped all of these needy families. It is much harder to help a family in real need, like the family of Zymere Perkins. BROOKLYNACSLAWYER.COM


A battered, helpless 3-year-old Brooklyn boy has died from injuries he allegedly suffered at the hands of his motherā€™s abusive boyfriend days after he was beaten into a coma and left with a fractured skull. Little Jaden Jordan, who also suffered a lacerated kidney and a lacerated liver, died Saturday evening, a mere five minutes after his family took him off life support, his heartbroken dad said. ā€œIt was devastating, when they first turned the machine off. Itā€™s hard, you know,ā€ dad Guseyn Aliyev, 37, told the Daily News. ā€œYou know, the doctor said that thatā€™s it, heā€™s never going to come back after this.ā€ ACS took 3 days find address of boy, 3, who was beaten into coma Young Jaden clung to life for five days after he was found Nov. 28 in his Gravesend home unresponsive and covered in feces, authorities said. Jaden Jordan, 3, was taken off life support, and died Saturday night. (Facebook) He was rushed from his W. Fifth St. home to Coney Island Hosp...


ACS cases usually begins in court by the parents being served. The law demands service in specific ways, but ACS workers usually call the parents on their cell phone and demand them to be in court on the very same day. This is designed to put as much pressure on the parents as possible. This also prevents the parents from speaking to a private lawyer about the case. This is exactly what ACS wants. On the fist appearance, ACS will file its petition and ask the judge for certain things. This can range from services for parents to removal of the children from a parents' custody. The first appearance is crucial in determining what happens with the case. It is at this point that parents need an effective attorney to challenge ACS . Too often, the ACS worker will simply lie about statements the parents have said and use that as a basis for the petition. If an ACS worker has contacted you, do NOT speak to them. Contact an attorney as soon as possible and let them speak for you.