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Fiscal 2018 Preliminary Budget Highlights
The City’s Preliminary Fiscal 2018 Budget is $84.7 billion, $2.6 billion more than the Fiscal 2017 Adopted Budget of $82.1 billion. The Fiscal 2018 Preliminary Budget includes $61.6 billion in City tax-levy funding and $23.1 billion in non-City funds.
The Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) Fiscal 2018 Preliminary Budget totals $3.03 billion (including City and non-City funds); this represents approximately 3.5 percent of the City’s total Budget. ACS’ Fiscal 2018 Preliminary Budget is $55.6 million more than the Fiscal 2017 Adopted Budget of $2.97 billion.
*The difference of Fiscal 2017 Adopted Budget compared to Fiscal 2018 Preliminary Budget.
When compared to the Fiscal 2017 Adopted Budget, personal services (PS) in the Fiscal 2018 Preliminary Budget increases by $37 million. Of the $37 million increase in PS spending, $26 million is for protective services. Other Than Personal Services (OTPS) spending increases by $18.6 million when comparing the Fiscal 2018 Preliminary Budget to the Fiscal 2017 Adopted Budget. The majority of this increase can be attributed to contractual services for preventive services.
ACS’ Fiscal 2018 Preliminary Budget does not include any new need spending, but does include $119.6 million in savings for Fiscal 2017 and $13.2 million in Fiscal 2018. Through the Citywide Savings Program, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) asked all agencies to identify efficiencies, alternative funding sources, and programmatic changes that would yield budgetary savings without reducing service levels. The Citywide Savings Program presented in the Preliminary Plan would reduce City spending by $514.6 million in Fiscal 2017 and $580.6 million in Fiscal 2018.
Savings initiatives for ACS include:
Realignment of Head Start Grant. The Fiscal 2018 Preliminary Budget cuts $3.3 million in City-tax levy (CTL) spending for Fiscal 2018 and in the outyears for the Head Start program. By more accurately claiming reimbursements for administrative costs related to the program. ACS will increase the Head Start grant revenue by the same amount.
Improved Reimbursements for Non-Secure Placement. Recent changes in ACS’ administrative cost allocation allowed the agency to recalibrate its PS spending for non- secure placements and thereby increase State and federal reimbursements for this program. Previously, PS spending for non-secure placements was 100 percent City funded, now ACS is able to leverage more State and federal funding for PS costs, and decrease City funding for PS to approximately 41 percent. In Fiscal 2017 and in the outyears, ACS will save $4.3 million in CTL through improved reimbursements for non- secure placements.
Close to Home Surplus. As the number of juveniles in detention facilities continues to decrease, ACS is able to reduce spending in this program area. For Fiscal 2018 and in the
Table 1: ACS Expense Budget
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2015 2016 2017 Preliminary Plan *Difference Dollars in Thousands Actual Actual Adopted 2017 2018 2017 - 2018
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Personal Services
Other Than Personal Services

$422,046 2,404,648 $2,826,694
$419,908 2,455,212 $2,875,120
$454,007 2,523,925
$451,222 2,579,644
$491,050 2,542,502 $3,033,552


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