Parents are misled by ACS workers in several ways. One of the most glaring, is when an ACS worker tells a parent that the investigation will be open for 60 days. This is important in several respects. First, it gives parents hope. Parents see the 60 day time frame and anxiously wait for it to end. Second and most important, because parents believe it is only 60 days, parents will do anything the ACS worker says in that 60 days. The fact of the matter is that while the 60 day time frame is in the statute, it is rarely followed by ACS workers. The investigation will go on as long as the ACS worker needs to accuse the parents of wrongdoing.
The bulk of the street level work that ACS does is the home visit. ACS workers take this opportunity to attack the parents in any ay that they can. Initially the ACS worker will demand that the parents not record them. They will actually give you orders in your own home. Do not allow them to do this. If you have been contacted by ACS, contact our hotline at 917-519-8417 Do not speak to an acs worker without an attorney!!
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