Parents are misled by ACS workers in several ways. One of the most glaring, is when an ACS worker tells a parent that the investigation will be open for 60 days. This is important in several respects. First, it gives parents hope. Parents see the 60 day time frame and anxiously wait for it to end. Second and most important, because parents believe it is only 60 days, parents will do anything the ACS worker says in that 60 days. The fact of the matter is that while the 60 day time frame is in the statute, it is rarely followed by ACS workers. The investigation will go on as long as the ACS worker needs to accuse the parents of wrongdoing.
We are often asked by parents; how do I file a complaint against the abusive ACS worker. The first thing we advise is not to file an complaints with anyone at ACS. ACS supervisors are there to protect their paychecks and their jobs. They will usually stone wall the parent into giving up. The goal of the ACS supervisors is to ensure that the parents follow the demands of ACS. Also, we do not suggest filing a complaint with any local political office. ACS is so dysfunctional that they are immune to any political pressure of any kind. Mayor Deblasio has failed to correct the problems at ACS and the agency is simply on cruise control with no one in control. The most effective way to file a complaint against an ACS worker is to file suit in federal court. This will get the workers attention and take them out of their comfort zone. We urge parents to obtain an attorney as fast as possible and begin the process of a lawsuit. The federal courts are a neutral place for parents to bring
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