Because it is so easy to file charges against anyone, and because ACS is so dysfunctional, many people are faced with false charges again and again. These may come from an angry ex-spouse or a school official trying to cover up their own wrong doing. We are often asked what can be done about this. We advise clients to document every single instance and let the ACS officials know exactly who is doing this to them. The ACS worker will often be indifferent. The goal of an ACS worker is to file charges against parents and get them into programs. You can also file charges at your local district attorney's office. Filing a false claim is a crime and can be prosecuted. You can learn more here.
The bulk of the street level work that ACS does is the home visit. ACS workers take this opportunity to attack the parents in any ay that they can. Initially the ACS worker will demand that the parents not record them. They will actually give you orders in your own home. Do not allow them to do this. If you have been contacted by ACS, contact our hotline at 917-519-8417 Do not speak to an acs worker without an attorney!!
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