The New York State Department of health regulates daycare centers. They along with ACS investigate allegations of violations at any licensed daycare center. Thes two agencies start with the position that any violation is cause to shut down the daycare. They also both attempt to hold daycares to impossible standards and will use these unfair standards to attack the daycare owner. The DOH will also place your daycare on their website so parents can review the violations. This can be found here. These are also credentialed programs.
What are Credential Programs?
Credentials are academic degrees, licenses or certificates awarded to individuals who successfully complete state or national requirements to enter specialized roles in the early childhood profession.
There are many programs that offer credentials that have been established to improve the competencies of people working with children and their families. Some include:
- Child Development Associate Credential is the most widely recognized credential in early childhood education and is a key stepping stone on the path of career advancement in early childhood education. This credential is based on a core set of competency standards, which guide early care professionals as they work toward becoming qualified teachers of young children.
- Children's Program Administrator Credential for New York State is designed to provide for and be recognized as a standard by which to measure program management, fiscal management, and the leadership abilities of early childhood and school-age administrators.
- Family Child Care Credential is designed to formally recognize those practitioners who demonstrate their competence, knowledge and professional practice in the areas of professional family day care homes, child development, healthy home learning environments and business practices.
- Family Development Credential is a program that prepares frontline workers with skills necessary to provide empowerment-based assistance to families so that they might set and obtain goals of healthy self-reliance.
- Infant and Toddler Care and Education Credential formally recognizes the value and specialized knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for practitioners who work with infants and toddlers.
- School-Age Child Care Credential is designed to promote quality services to children and families by providing specific standards, training and evaluation of school-age staff members and providers.
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