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TOP ACS LIES   ACS workers  have the power to remove children from their parents home without a court order. This is the power they threaten every parent in NYC with and force them to comply. The vast majority of parents will be so frightened that they will do whatever the ACS worker demands. Here are some of the most common ACS worker lies that parents are told: 1. YOU MUST SPEAK TO US 2. YOU MUST LET US INTO YOUR HOME 3. YOU MUST TAKE A DRUG TEST. 4. THE INVESTIGATION WILL ONLY LAST 60 DAYS 5. IF YOU DO NOT COMPLY WE WILL GOT TO COURT 6. YOU DON'T GET A LAWYER NOW 7. MY SUPERVISOR WANTS ME TO DO THIS 8. WE ARE ALLOWED TO SPEAK TO YOUR CHILDREN ALONE. 9. YOU MUST SIGN MEDICAL RELEASES. 10. WE DO NOT NEED A JUDGE'S ORDER TO ENTER YOUR HOME. Do not fall for these lies. Fight back. Call a lawyer as soon as an ACS worker contacts you. The Law Office s of Michael S. Discioarro, Esq. is here to help. Call 917-519-8417.


ACS lawyers use varying tactics in court attack parents.One of the tactics that they use is to accuse the parent of not having"insight" into the things that they have done. What they mean is that the parent is denying the allegations made against him. By ACS standards, a parent who denies the allegations, is a bad parent with no insight. They actually resent this to a judge as an argument. Luckily, most judges are too savvy to fall for this trick but the parent must be on guard. We attack these lies by arguing that the client has been following all orders of the court and is looking forward to his trial. ACS must be held accountable at every stage. If you start to comply with their demands, you will find yourself in useless programs for years with no way out. If an ACS worker contacts you, you must immediately contact an attorney to protect your rights. Do not let ACS attack your family. ACSATTORNEYS.COM FIGHTACS.COM


Each day, thousands of people are falsely accused of domestic violence. Why? Why are these charges so easily brought against innocent people and how acs you fight them? The first question is very complicated. There are many reasons why people file false domestic violence charges against innocent partners. The first and most prevalent reason is a fight over child custody. When one party can accuse the other of domestic violence, they can receive an advantage in court and obtain custody of their children. Also, it may give them an advantage in their divorce proceeding and be able to use it as a bargaining chip. Another reason why people file false domestic violence charges is that there are many state and federal benefits give to " victims" of domestic violence. For example, if you can show that you were a "victim" of domestic violence you can obtain public benefits, housing and immigration status ahead of others. This is a powerful motive for people to manufactur...


The right choice 5.0 stars Posted by  Alex  November 21, 2017 Michael has been handling my ACS case and has done an excellent job moving it forward and winning the case for me. On the way he has shown a good understanding of the system and has been extremely sympathetic to me and my child. He was available when I needed his help and his advice was spot on. I highly recommend him. This review is from a person who hired this attorney. Hired attorney   Excellent Lawyer 5.0 stars Posted by  Joseph   November 9, 2017 After the first lawyer I thought it was over but after contacting Michael S. Discioarro he gave me hope and made the situation better. Thanks Mike  This review is from a person who hired this attorney. Hired attorney   Great Lawyer 5.0 stars Posted by  Julia  October 26, 2017 We are very happy to have hired Michael, A good a...


As we have seen too many times in our city, ACS fails to protect kids. Dozens of children have died under ACS supervision. Why does this happen? Why is no one held accountable? These are all political questions. The first answer is that ACS is controlled by the Mayor. Every NYC mayor has ignored the agency expect when they throw money at it when a child dies. The ACS budget is now $2.9 billion and growing. Second, ACS has not had effective leadership in many decades. Turnover at ACS is alarming. In many cases, the ACS attorney quits right in the middle of the case. Third, ACS workers are not given the proper training and guidance. ACS workers are taught to find something on the parents. So it becomes a situation where ACS workers are trying to force parents into services so the ACS workers can claim that they have helped a family. The fact is that ACS workers do not want o help troubled children who are in real need. Why should they? They are paid the same no matter what children the...


The case of ACS v. A.W was particularly sad. The child had been in 6 different foster homes in 8 months of life. and ACS wanted to continue to put her in another home. The Law Offices of Michael Discioarro, LLC filed for a 1028 hearing on behalf of the father of the child. After a three day hearing, the Court granted the father's motion and the baby was returned to the father. " It is simply outrageous how stubbornly acs tries to hold on to kids in foster care. There is clearly a financial motive behind it. A child in foster care is worth tens of thousands of dollars to ACS" Mr. Discioarro said. If your child has been removed, you should discuss the option of filing for a 1028 hearing to demand the return of the child to the parent. BROOKLYNACSATTORNEY.COM QUEENSACSLAWYER.COM BROOKLYNACSLAWYER.COM


This is one of the favorite tactics of an ACS worker. They will claim that they received a call that the parent uses drugs around the children. It does not matter to the ACS worker who made the call. The ACS worker will then demand that the parent take a drug test. The ACS game is that if the parent comes back negative, they will demand other things from the parent and if the parent comes back positive they will attack them for the results. It is imperative that the parent obtain an attorney as soon as ACS demands a drug test. Saying no may open the door for ACS to remove the child. An attorney will quickly fight back and hold ACS to its legal obligations. It is very important not to speak to the ACS worker at all. They will often manufacture a lie and claim you have made managing statements. NYCACSLAWYER.COM


We receive dozens of calls each week with frustrated parents who seek to SUE ACS. ACS is a state entity and thus has certain legal protections when it comes to lawsuits. They are called immunities. These immunities are very difficult to overcome. Thus, attorneys that regularly sue the city in police abuse cases or other kinds of torts, don't generally take an acs case. Not many attorneys are familiar with how ACS handles cases and it is very difficult for a parent to have an attorney take these cases on contingency basis. That leaves a parent who wants to sue ACS with the very expensive decision to hire and pay for. lawyer out of pocket to do that. These legal bills can easily reach into the tens of thousands of dollars. It is against this legal backdrop that ACS abuses the families of NYC with impunity. The best thing todo if contacted by an ACS worker is not to speak to them and contact an ACS attorney right away. Our 24 hour hotline is 917-519-8417. BROOKLYNACSATTORNEY.COM ...


Why did ACS indicate me at OCFS? This is a common question. The first reason is that the ACS did not have enough evidence to actually file a case against you in Family Court. This is a way of the ACS worker making pretend that they are actually doing something. Then the parents dmustattend an OCFS hearing. The parents must at risk are those who have jobs in the medical, education or child care. Once you have been indicated, it will negatively impact you ability to work in these fields. The hearings are conducted at the OCFS in Harlem and can last a few hours. A judge will then issue a written decision. ACSATTORNEYS.COM QUEENSACSLAWYER.COM BROOKLYNACSATTORNEY.COM NYCACSLAWYER.COM


Boy, 3, Allergic to Dairy, Dies After Eating Grilled Cheese at Pre-K By  ELIZABETH A. HARRIS NOV. 9, 2017 Continue reading the main story Share This Page Share Tweet Email More Save Photo Elijah Silvera   Credit Silvera Family  A 3-year-old boy died last week after having a severe allergic reaction at his Manhattan preschool, his family said. The boy, Elijah Silvera, was allergic to dairy and had been given a grilled cheese sandwich. Elijah was a student at the Seventh Avenue Center for Family Services in Harlem, a program overseen by the cityā€™s Administration for Childrenā€™s Services and the Health Department. The Health Department said it has closed the school on Wednesday for inadequate supervision of a child and for failing to follow its own written safety plan. The site also houses a Universal pre-K program, part of Mayor de Blasioā€™s effort to provide free prekindergarten to all New York City 4 year olds, but Elijah was not a UPK student....


We are often asked, how does ACS physically take the parents out of the parents home. The first and most blunt way is that the ACS worker will show up with police officers and physically remove the children and take them away. This of course is devastating tot the parents and causes children to be traumatized. ACS does nothing to try to help the children cope with this situation and callously transport the children to a processing center where they languish for days until a home can be found. The most common way that ACS removes kids is by tricking the parents to come to a meeting at the ACS office. The ACS worker and her supervisors will concoct some story about how they need to see the children. Once the children arrive they are separated from their parents and taken into foster care. Another way, is the ACS workers and the police will go and pick up the children at school,WITHOUT WARNING the parents. This may be the most devastating of all because the parents are called at work ...


This is the worst time for parents. ACS workers will show up at your door without notice and demand to be let in. The most important thing you can do when they arrive is to record the entire episode. The ACS worker will object and some tell parents that it is illegal to record them. This is imply not true. You need a record of what occured when ACS workers start to tell their lies. Record, record, record! Protect your rights. ACSATTORNEYS.COM QUEENSACSLAWYER.COM BROOKLYNACSLAWYER.COM BRONXACSLAWYER.COM


The answer yo this question is a resounding NO. Even experienced attorneys do not represent themselves in legal matters. The reason is that your emotional attachment to case will cloud your judgement. Also, and most importantly, ACS lawyers and workers often lie in court about everry facet of the case. You must have an experienced attorney next to you who knows how to attack these lies. The tactic of the ACS lawyer and worker is to always blame the parent and hide as many negative facts as possible. ACSATTORNEYS.COM


According to ACS policy, ACA has 60 days to wrap up an investigation once they receive a report of child abuse. ACS workers like to tell parents of this "60 day rule" because it gives the parent false hope that the investigation will come to an en in 60 days and there is light at the end of the tunnel. There is just one problem, its a complete lie. ACS workers do not follow any time frames in terms of investigating parents. They will often disappear for months, only to turn up at the home demanding that the parent enter into services. If they find that a case is too difficult and will require a lot of work, they will end the investigation early and make it appear as if they have completed it. In some cases ACS waits months before going to court and trying to remove the child in an "emergency removal" with the help of the police. Do no believe the ACS worker when they say the investigation will only last 60 days, its simply a tactic.       QUEENSACSATTORNEY.CO M....


    It is important to hear from real parents. Please play this clip and always FIGHTACS.COM.


Given the headlines that a dead child makes and the fact that the Mayor and the state have thrown millions of dollars at ACS, one would think that they could find a way to right the ship and actually protect children. This theory would apply to almost any agency, but not ACS. There is a structural reason for this and after 17 years of handling hundreds of cases and dealing intimately with ACS workers and lawyers, we have some answers. BLAME THE PARENT AT ALL COSTS The major reason that ACS fails and children die is that the focus is not on protecting the child. Once a report of child abuse comes in, the ACS worker will go to the home and immediately star t attacking the parent. The agenda of ACS workers is to make every parent a bad parent and demand that they enroll in services. This does not leave any time to actually focus on the children that are in true need. In fact, ACS workers, the majority of whom are poorly trained and lazy, would rather attack a healthy family then one w...


If there is a marital dispute between parents and ACS becomes aware of it, they will use this opportunity to attack the parents and force them into unnecessary "services" and will demand that one parent file for an order of protection against the other. This is especially true if a parent calls 911 because they are having a dispute. Parents who cooperate with ACS run the risk of losing their children. ACS will claim that the parent is doing nothing to stop he abuse. This is especially true of the woman calls 911. They will demand that she move into a shelter for abused women and that she never see her " abuser" again. This is all designed to keep the funding flowing to ACS. Each time a mother is placed in a domestic violence shelter, ACS receives tens of thousands of dollars from state and federal agencies. This adds up to hundreds of millions of dollars a year for this very incompetent agency. QUEENSDOMESTICVIOLENCELAWYER.COM QUEENSDOMESTICVIOLENCEATTORNEY...


This is a common complaint we hear from parents when they call us for help. They do not believe that the free court appointed lawyer is helping them. Indeed there are some structural problems with the attorneys that the court appoints to represent parents for free. First, these lawyers are often good lawyers but are overwhelmed by the amount of cases that they have to handle. Second. since they appear in front of the same judge every day and that judge signs their pay slip (18b lawyers only) they try not to "rock the boat". This can leave parents feeling like their interests are not being protected. We advise parents that they must retain a private attorney that only represents their interests. These attorneys are paid only by the client and are not influenced by the judge or opposing counsel. In cases where ACS attacks your family, always hire a private attorney to defend your rights. QUEENSACSLAWYER.COM


THE SHOCKING NY TIMES STORY IS BELOW: Shantell lifted her 11-month-old daughter onto her right hip and looked into her eyes until she smiled. Then, she locked her long arms as if to make a swing and swayed the toddler back and forth. It was the kind of daily interaction that her lawyers say was unfairly stripped away from Shantell, who is intellectually disabled and a mother to two other daughters, ages 2 and 3, and parents like her. Child welfare workers have removed Shantellā€™s three children from her care at various times, beginning in July 2016, following reports from hospital staff and social workers that her ā€œdevelopmental delaysā€ and ā€œmental delaysā€ could hinder her ability to parent. With the help of lawyers, Shantellā€™s children were returned to her by November 2016, but the ordeal spurred her to join a class-action lawsuit filed last week against New York City for violating the rights of parents who have intellectual disabilities. Shantell, ...