The ultimate nightmare for any parent is the removal of their child out of the home. In the vast majority of cases this does not occur. However, ACS has the power to do so. The are called Emergency Removals. If the ACS worker feels that your child is unsafe they will contact the police and the child will be removed. ACS must then go to court and file a petition against the parent. In this type of situation, time is of the essence. You MUST contact an attorney as soon as possible. ACS workers use this stressful time to manufacture a case against the parents and demand that you follow their demands. An attorney can put an end to this. If your child has been removed, contact us 24 hours a day at 917-519-8417. We are here to help. WWW.NYCACSLAWYER.COM
ACS DEFENSE LAWYER BLOG. WE FIGHT FOR PARENTS! CALL OUR HOTLINE AT 917-519-8417 ( nothing in this blog established an attorney client relationship and this information is not a substitute for legal counsel)